Post #7

May 24th, 2018

Today was pretty exciting. Our meetings were very spread out so I got to walk all around the facility, and that was nice. There are so many meeting rooms, and all have them have built-in technology and equipment. The resources of the company are evident just by taking a tour of the place. Today I got an introduction to Human Resources from Shauna. Human resources is the department that Sheila has a major role in. Human resources handles a lot of little things for the company. They have a lot of sections from corporate services which handles day to day things, to support services which handle payroll. Sheila specifically works with information systems connected to HR which are located in Perrysburg. The Comp & Benefits part of HR essentially figures out who gets paid. Shauna went in depth into this. There's a lot of factors. Experience, prestige, role etc. all go into the important decision of how much someone makes at First Solar. Something new the HR is doing with regards to benefits is adding a two-week parental leave not only for mothers but also for fathers. I agree with that decision as I know that if I were in the position of the father, I would want to see my child. They also do a lot of surveys to help understand what kind of benefits workers want. Shauna asked me what I would like in a workplace environment, and apparently, my answers matched up well with what many millennials are saying. I want goal based, collaborative work, that never strays away from the main focus of the company. Beyond doing day to day work, I want to have constant reminders of why I'm doing what I'm doing and what difference it's going to make. They do heavy research on this subject to help determine what benefits to provide to the employees. The HR philosophy behind first solar is simple. Uphold the core values of first solar along with treating every individual uniquely and fairly. Something really neat I learned about HR here is that if 5 people sign up saying they have a common interest, First Solar gives them a 100 dollar check to do something aligning with that. For example, if 5 people loved reading they could all pool their money to buy books for themselves. Their motive behind this is trying to create a fun work environment where people can easily connect with their coworkers. Their philosophy is if people can work together and connect with one another, they can also be productive and boost their creativity and efficiency. HR definitely seemed blander going in than it ended up being, especially the way first solar does it. 


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